Monday, April 16, 2007

Guatemala Update-03-28-07

Hello everyone!
So I know it's been a while, but our internet has not been working. So yeah time for update!

So since I last updated, our MTS group has formed a little band and we have been practicing spanish worship songs so we can lead worship at the churches that we visit and when we go on out outreach trips. We have also prepared a drama as well to present at churches. Right now we have our teacher Carol's friend from the States, Annie down here and she is teaching us how to make puppets. She is so amazing. She brought down sewing machines and all these supplies and paid for extra weight for luggage and she wore all her clothes on the airplane because she had no room!
We have also been swamped by Spanish homework but it's good because I can now go out and understand what people are saying and this is especially good for church on sunday morning because they preach without a translator. And for a few hours each week we hang out with the orphanage kids and it's amazing how much spanish you learn when you talk to them. And they like it to because they can practice their english. But the kids here are absolutely adorable. I'll make sure to take lots of pictures and hopefully send them to you.
We have been hanging out alot at the compound and its actually starting to get boring. So small things like going into town for the afternoon is very exciting. Or going to the pool for a few hours. But yesterday was our first real mission day. We went to a big town about an hour away from here and we hooked up with a pastor there and we went door to door and visited some families that have really been struck by poverty. But they are so nice and they let us come in and tell them about Jesus. And yeah the kids are just soo cute! And then we put on a service for that church and we did our songs and drama and our MTS boy gave his testimony and the people were just really receptive and thankful that we came.
Other than that, it's super hot here, it's 41 degrees celsius in the shade. But I'm actually getting pretty used to it now. At night we don't even turn our air conditioner on and I sleep in pants and long sleeves. So this is long and I'm going to go.

Dios le bendiga!

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