It is friggin' hot.
So this is the last update before Belize. I hope you enjoy and feel free to e-mail or leave messages while I"m gone. I'll get them eventually.
My Birthday- so yesterday (the 17th) was my 20th birthday. It was actually like the best birthday ever. I am so blessed by knowing the people here. They treat us very good. Anyways so I was woken up at 5am with firecrackers outside our room and they brought my ice cream with an oreo on top that I could eat in bed. It was so yummy! And then at 7 am they threw rocks and mangoes on our tin roof and it was very loud. Then after lunch they surprised me with a pinata and cake and the tradition is that you have to take a bite of the cake without your hands and you just used your face, but then they smash your face into the cake and whatever you touched is your piece. And they had all signed a card and Jasmine made me a journal. Then later that night we went out for pupusas.
Las Lisas- This morning we went to another island called Las Lisas and we went to the school to present a children's program to over 300 kids. If you can imagine. We took another boat and we did our puppets, clowns, Jasmine did her kids testimony and sang some songs and then we handed out some tracts and pencils and crayons to all the kids. It was blaring hot and we had to walk around in our clown stuff. My face was pretty much melting off. But it was super fun and the kids just loved us and wanted to show us around their school and play with us. Then they served us lunch after- fried fish and tortillas that we ate with our hands but it was so good. And this was a little challenging because alot of the kids probably don't go to church and it's not a christian school so alot of these kids were hearing the Gospel for the first time. So we had to be very choosy in the words we used and how we presented things and we had to do the wordless book and tell them the entire story of salvation. But they seemed very enthusiastic. Course it was probably also the first time they have seen white people.
Agua Dulce- Last sunday we put on a church service on an island called Agua Dulce (sweet water) and we had to take a boat to get there and then the chapel was someone's house with a palm treee roof and everyone just kinda sat around. But it was soo fun and the island was beautiful. We did our drama, puppets, the evangecube and Jasmine preached and I gave my testimony. After the service we took our boat over to a family who runs a salt plantation and I know you're thinking like big factory but it's this little hut and they run the water up and do something and then there's salt. I wasn't entirely paying attention because it was hot and I was watching some kid torture a dog. Plus, we had to go through all these mangroves and like through the jungle to get there. It was like the Jungle Safari ride at Disneyland. I was waiting for some hippo to come bursting out of the water. But here's some pictures from there: (sorry that they are all scattered and not nice looking, This is my first time putting pics on here and you will have to tip your head sideways. I hope you don't mind! )
1) This is Jasmine preaching at Agua Dulce.
2) This is a picture of the congregation that morning (mostly kids)
3) This is our boat and with the pastors grandchildren inside.
4) this is one of the pastors grandchildren. She is just so cute I couldn't resist putting her on here.
5) These are some of the mangroves we had to go through. Sometimes they were so low you had to duck.